Last night I was a murderer. It was a strange dream. I killed my friend's Mother and don't even fucking know why. All I remember is that I was bashing her head in with my bare hands. I kept on smashing away with every part of my fists. It's like the dream a started right there. No dream foreplay what so ever...We were in a living room and my adrenaline was going crazy, I was going crazy. Then I dragged her into the corner of the room and propped her sloppy body there.
I walked out of the apartment and down the street to my girlfriend's house (who happened to be portrayed by one of my old neighbors in Hollywood). "Did you do it?" - "Yeah, but I have to go, give me a t-shirt." She kissed me. Then I ran down to this area that looked like the Metarie side of Lake Ponchartrain's bank. It was freezing and I slept on a bench there. The next morning I woke up and my friend was calling me. He told me what happened and I had to identify his Mother's body for whatever reason. So, I went to do that. The cops were questioning me and I played surprised and dumb. They let me go and I went back to my girlfriend's place. It was trashed. It looked like a party was had or something. Ashtrays, meth bags and booze bottles, clothes scattered everywhere... Just a big fucking mess. She was laying in bed in a t-shirt and panties and someone was in the bathroom. I could hear whomever taking a piss. (I still don't know why I killed that woman. In real life she always annoyed me so maybe that is why my brain went there. In my dream, I was so stressed out.) I shook my girl awake and asked what had happened, what was going on... Then she started screaming at me and hitting me as a guy came out of the bathroom. He looked like Kid Rock but he wasn't, just that vibe. I flip the fuck out and he and I start going at it while she is still freaking out, screaming, punching and scratching me. Furniture going everywhere. It was hectic, like it was real or something. Fucking drama, man. I ended up smashing that dude's head in too, but I used a jam box to do it. Then I dragged her nutty ass out into the yard by her shirt. Started smashing her face in and stabbed her to death with a broken stick. After that I grabbed a sledgehammer from the shed and I took off running again. Woke up later in the evening next to a fire with an old man sitting next to me. It was freezing again. He was rubbing my hair back and staring at me. Then I really woke up all stressed out, shaking, confused. Not even a nightmare. More like a pain in the ass. At least I didn't end up in prison. Shit.
I need a bike ride and a Coke.
Monday, July 9, 2018
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Here I Go Thinking Out Loud Again...
Yesterday was interesting even though I didn't really do a whole lot. Thought a lot. I woke up around 7AM today which isn't abnormal really. The way that I function is strange, well maybe it isn't. I can't tell. Maybe it's completely normal.
The reason that I am writing about this is because I was having a conversation with my buddy last night after work. I usually plan shit to where I can multi-task as I move throughout my day. Like, if I see a board or whatever that I know I want to paint on I always put it aside neatly to prep for whatever I am gonna do with it. I have a stack. Then as my days progress I always have something there to fuck with in "the meantime" of everything else I may have going on. Like as I am moving along I am also prepping for the next idea. What time I am gonna start whatever it is and all that like at least a day in advance sometimes more. Like yesterday I had to work all day today so I prepped for 2 days ahead since I was going to lose one... Get it? Makes sense to me somehow.
A huge run-on paragraph:
For instance, today I knew I had to mow the lawn. It's the day I chose this week and is one of my chores, therefore it gets slapped into my routine. So, I woke up early and poisoned a bunch of weeds and thistles before most people would wake up. I didn't want to be mowing while my friend or the neighbors are sleeping so I started there. It's quiet. Yesterday I worked at the shop, so in my down time I started organizing everything for a picture that I wanted to start drawing today, which I did start. After the poison shit I came inside and set my stuff out to draw for later. Ran downstairs and started a painting for another idea that I had. That shit has to dry so I ran back upstairs and started organizing my clothes to wash while listening to some tracks that I am working on. Checked my emails and all that shit then went and layed another small coat on the painting. Went outside to mow as the paint dried again. Cut the grass then put that shit away. Got it over with early so I could do other things that I enjoy doing with the rest of the day. Now it's like 10:30 AM or so. The way I work is if the yard was on my mind the whole time, I would not be able to focus on anything else that I want to do. Took my bike to the store for a soda. Most like coffee, I like a Coke. Came back, threw that in the fridge and went to breakfast with my friend. Got home and finished a shirt I am messing with (can't be dressing like a fucking robot) then threw the laundry in the wash. I was waiting to finish the shirt before I washed everything. More painting. Back upstairs. I sat down and tried to watch TV for a bit but dozed off. Short nap. Got up, threw the clothes in the dryer and checked the painting. It can wait because I had to start the drawing. My stuff was already layed out. Got that drawing mapped out then took a shower. Wanted to wait till I was good and dirty.
Now, I am finishing this writing as to wind down and add to this blog page which is another stupid project I started. Alright. It is 10:20 PM now. Time for folding clothes, sunflower seeds, my soda and a horror flick. Then zzzzzzz and start over again. That's my day pretty much every day. Different chores though. I try to do those first as you can see. Get that shit over with first while other stuff is in the oven. Lazy motherfucker huh?
Now, I am finishing this writing as to wind down and add to this blog page which is another stupid project I started. Alright. It is 10:20 PM now. Time for folding clothes, sunflower seeds, my soda and a horror flick. Then zzzzzzz and start over again. That's my day pretty much every day. Different chores though. I try to do those first as you can see. Get that shit over with first while other stuff is in the oven. Lazy motherfucker huh?
Website coming soon. 
Sunday, July 1, 2018
Welcome to Humidity City...
It's been really hot the last few days. I was sitting down, working on some music and I took my headphones off. It's raining!!!!! Man, the last couple of nights have been a bitch to sleep through. The heat gets trapped inside of the house and and there is no A/C. I was sweating like crazy, tossing and turning, sticking to the sheets and itching. I was pissed as fuck. It reminded me of withdrawals.
I was going to cut the grass earlier but it was so hot I figured I would wait until this evening when it cools down a bit, then it rains... The yard can wait a couple more days anyway. It really isn't that bad. I potted some cherry pits and some lemon seeds the other day. Guess I will see if they sprout. Earlier I did some jalapeño seeds. If all of that shit sprouts then I will be surprised. If not then fuck it, it was fun I guess. Other than that I have been painting and drawing a lot. Music stuff too. I wrote another punk riff. Getting that harder itch again. Not metal really but just nasty punk/rock -n- roll shit. Not cute either. Really mean and raw. Cut throat shit. I can't do cute at all. Everything has to be fucked up to a degree for me to get it. To understand it. Maybe once I start pushing this acoustic shit I will meet some musicians out here and start beating the piss out of harder stuff again. We shall see. It would be interesting.
I may have mentioned the gas station lady in another writing. She works down the street at Mobile. I am not attracted to her at all but she always smells good and is really nice. I think she is from Russia or some shit like that. She is super cool and reminds me of someone that my Dad would be friends with. Not sexually but like a friend of his' wife or something. Not a really nice way to word it but like someone who would run in the same circe of friends as his or whatever. He has some rad friends but definitely not the type that you would want to cross type of folks. Make sense? Probably not. If they like you then they love you and if they don't then just go find some other motherfuckers to hang out with types. I like that shit. The kind of people who can whip your fucking ass but can also sit back and cry in front of you. The ones who know that they can confide in you and trust you. The kind who let you know without any baby bullshit when you you are being an asshole and fucking up. The kind who understand you and won't let you fall or leave you hungry. That shit goes both ways too because they are the kind that you would listen to and also reciprocate the same actions when the tables turn. That is real friendship. My Dad is a prick but I know the other side so it keeps me in check. For instance... I can slap the shit out of him but if I see someone else do it, it's fucking on. I have done both so that ain't just talk either. So has he. I am rambling now.
Anyway, that Mobile chick reminds me of those types. It's cool because we are friends kinda. I go there just about every day for sunflower seeds or a soda or whatever.We shoot the shit and laugh. I am usually alone so it's nice to have an "outsider" to crack jokes and short talk sometimes. She was mopping last week and I told her that I could see her ass crack. I wasn't being dirty, just fucking with her. She said something back but I couldn't understand her because of her accent. She seemed kinda pissy. I told her it was a joke and I hear it all the time too. My ass crack is always showing. My ass cheeks are made up of nothing but a slit that goes from the top of my thighs and up my lower back. My butt cheeks are basically non-existent. Who cares? I would be a gay man's worst lover. His buddies would probably laugh at him. My girlfriends always have picked on my tiny butt. They call it cute. Good thing I ain't gay, I guess. What would a queer call it? Absent?
I saw her gas station lady, the other day and she was short with me. Maybe she is bummed with me. I didn't really do anything. Maybe she has something else going on... Fuck it. What can you do? This is the stupidest blog that I have ever written. Gonna go draw. Maybe I am just so happy about the rain.
Now the sun is out again... Motherfucker. Humidity City.
I was going to cut the grass earlier but it was so hot I figured I would wait until this evening when it cools down a bit, then it rains... The yard can wait a couple more days anyway. It really isn't that bad. I potted some cherry pits and some lemon seeds the other day. Guess I will see if they sprout. Earlier I did some jalapeño seeds. If all of that shit sprouts then I will be surprised. If not then fuck it, it was fun I guess. Other than that I have been painting and drawing a lot. Music stuff too. I wrote another punk riff. Getting that harder itch again. Not metal really but just nasty punk/rock -n- roll shit. Not cute either. Really mean and raw. Cut throat shit. I can't do cute at all. Everything has to be fucked up to a degree for me to get it. To understand it. Maybe once I start pushing this acoustic shit I will meet some musicians out here and start beating the piss out of harder stuff again. We shall see. It would be interesting.
I may have mentioned the gas station lady in another writing. She works down the street at Mobile. I am not attracted to her at all but she always smells good and is really nice. I think she is from Russia or some shit like that. She is super cool and reminds me of someone that my Dad would be friends with. Not sexually but like a friend of his' wife or something. Not a really nice way to word it but like someone who would run in the same circe of friends as his or whatever. He has some rad friends but definitely not the type that you would want to cross type of folks. Make sense? Probably not. If they like you then they love you and if they don't then just go find some other motherfuckers to hang out with types. I like that shit. The kind of people who can whip your fucking ass but can also sit back and cry in front of you. The ones who know that they can confide in you and trust you. The kind who let you know without any baby bullshit when you you are being an asshole and fucking up. The kind who understand you and won't let you fall or leave you hungry. That shit goes both ways too because they are the kind that you would listen to and also reciprocate the same actions when the tables turn. That is real friendship. My Dad is a prick but I know the other side so it keeps me in check. For instance... I can slap the shit out of him but if I see someone else do it, it's fucking on. I have done both so that ain't just talk either. So has he. I am rambling now.
Anyway, that Mobile chick reminds me of those types. It's cool because we are friends kinda. I go there just about every day for sunflower seeds or a soda or whatever.We shoot the shit and laugh. I am usually alone so it's nice to have an "outsider" to crack jokes and short talk sometimes. She was mopping last week and I told her that I could see her ass crack. I wasn't being dirty, just fucking with her. She said something back but I couldn't understand her because of her accent. She seemed kinda pissy. I told her it was a joke and I hear it all the time too. My ass crack is always showing. My ass cheeks are made up of nothing but a slit that goes from the top of my thighs and up my lower back. My butt cheeks are basically non-existent. Who cares? I would be a gay man's worst lover. His buddies would probably laugh at him. My girlfriends always have picked on my tiny butt. They call it cute. Good thing I ain't gay, I guess. What would a queer call it? Absent?
I saw her gas station lady, the other day and she was short with me. Maybe she is bummed with me. I didn't really do anything. Maybe she has something else going on... Fuck it. What can you do? This is the stupidest blog that I have ever written. Gonna go draw. Maybe I am just so happy about the rain.
Now the sun is out again... Motherfucker. Humidity City.
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